Friday, February 29, 2008

Quick Hits 5

-I'm kind of torn about the upcoming Ohio and Texas primaries this Tuesday. On the one hand I'd like to see Hillary win to keep the chaos going in the Democratic primary for a few more months. On the other hand, if Obama can wrap it up I'll feel like one of those orcs in mordor when that green beam shoots up and they can finally march on Minas Tirith. Because Hillary is right when she talks about how tough the republican attack machine can be.
-I don't think Ralph Nader will prove to be anywhere near the threat to Obama that he was to Gore, because Gore was far more centrist than Obama. Obama is also strong amongst college students and hippies which seemed to be Nader's strongest constituency. If you've got a few bucks burning a hole in your pocket, it still may not be a bad idea to send him a check. You know, in the interest of "fairness".
-I think this is the most interesting pair of (presumptive) nominees in a very long time. You have a guy with a fascinating life story, who would make history if elected, doesn't toe the party line, transcends party in a lot of ways, has shown a willingness to bring people together to get things done whether it's popular or not.......and on the other side you have Barack Obama.
-I think if I were a midget I would prefer the term "midget" over "little person". Little person sounds more demeaning to me.
-Howard Dean has announced plans to sue the McCain campaign on financing. Now without getting into what Howard Dean can go do with himself as far as I'm concerned, I'm just shocked. That's so unlike the left to go around suing people.
-While I'm on the subject of people who belong in straight jackets, people who get their children humiliating hair cuts should be looked into by the authorities. It's 2008 people. I should not have to see a 4-year old boy walking around with a freaking rat-tail.
-I'm also kind of sick of conservatives complaining that the media picked our candidate. I could have swore he won because he got the most votes, but maybe I'm just being naive there.
-If I may play Andy Rooney for a moment: why is it that a job that really blows is referred to as a "suck-job" but when somebody know, never mind. I'm not gonna go there.
-I noticed looking at the websites of both McCain and Obama that neither of them list crime in their list of issues at the top of the page. This seems like an area where McCain could make some inroads if he were so inclined.
-I watched a couple of youtube videos of Reagan speeches this week. Now there was a guy who could give any kind of speech. We may never see that good of a speaker again. He wasn't just good at firing people up he could do it all (oratorically). One of my personal favorites was the one from the night of the Challenger disaster " they waved goodbye, then slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God." I got goosebumps just typing that.
-I've spent the last few days analyzing Senate voting records. A few weeks ago I questioned the claim of Obama having the most liberal voting record over the last year. I now stand corrected.
- In my city we have laws against aggressive pan-handling near the entrance to a business. Why are the girl scouts exempted?
-I heard some air-head caller on Air America radio the other day say in response to the Obama/patriotism flap that "running for president is the most patriotic thing you can do". So if someone's running for president they must be a patriot. (I don't care about his patriotism one way or the other, I'm more concerned with his socialism so I'd respond the same way if a McCain supporter had said this) Really? What's more patriotic than running for president? I don't know, maybe dying or being grievously wounded on a battle field in anonymity far from home during the prime of your life, sacrificing whatever future you may have had for people you don't know or a cause you may not even believe in? No, not at all. Trying to become the most powerful (and probably most famous) person on earth is way more patriotic.
-I thought the clip of McCain accidentally referring to himself as a liberal yesterday was pretty funny.
-And lastly, the other night I was listening to the radio and during one of their half-hourly "news" updates the second thing they mentioned was that Eddie Money is going to launch a career in country music. Now that's news in 2008! The only way Eddie Money should be mentioned in news would be a story that involves the words "dead" or "arrested for murder".

1 comment:

Bob W said...

LMAO I agree about Nader and while I think he is wackado on some issues I loath this idea that he "stole" the election as if either Bush or Gore were entitled to the election.
I really enjoyed this post it made me laugh. I do think that Obama is in for it when he talks about foreign policy. Especally, however I think the best thing McCain could do in the coming weeks is give a real substative speech, like at the Chamber of Commerce or something about the Economy and his economic plan, distiquishing himself from Bush and putting to bed the idea that he does not know about the Economy. I see it as a way to slowly peel away at the ammunition in Obama's quiver until by november all that is left is "he inspires us" but thats just me!