Saturday, February 23, 2008

Quick Hits IV

More oddities from this week:

-Ralph Nader is expected to announce that he is running for president on meet the press tomorrow. I strongly support this development. Somebody needs to siphon off a few far left votes, give 'em hell Ralph! I want him out there touring with all of his classic hits: "Republicrats", "both parties are the same", "evil corporations", "capitalist pig-dogs", "imperialism, imperialism, imperialism!"
-If you're going to use a public restroom, I'll thank you to refrain from moaning while you urinate.
-I remember thinking six years ago when I had to write a research paper (and participate in a 60-minute round table discussion) on the subject of Kosovo that it would be a major headache when they declared independence. Without going into details the Serbs view this region as their Jerusalem and it's just one more way to rattle Russia's cage.
-Darfur continues to be a great example of how "awareness" has never stopped people from killing each other. I think a better idea would be to arm the people being persecuted. When they show up at the UN aid station say "here's your sack of wheat and here are your AK-47's".
-What's the deal with these chicks fainting at the Obama rallies? I've seriously got to go to one of these things. I'll bet they leave feeling all hopeful and euphoric. Perhaps willing to "reach across the aisle" for a little "bipartisanship", if you follow my train of thought.
-I saw the NIU shooter's girlfriend on the news. wtf? girlfriend? When's the last time a guy who shot a bunch of people had a girlfriend, but didn't kill her when he did the shooting? That struck me as odd.
-You don't change Washington. Washington changes you.
-Jimmy Kimmel was pretty funny talking about this McCain/NY Times thing. He said that for every year you spend in a Vietnamese prison camp you should be entitled to one extra-marital affair. So in his book McCain could have up to five and it would still be alright.
-I think pretty much any candidate who gets elected will have at least one situation come up while in office that makes them say "this is the toughest situation I've ever been in"........except one. The capitol could be burning down and McCain would be like "this still isn't as bad as the time I was in the middle of a fire that killed 134 guys on my ship, or the day I got shot down, broke three limbs and was bayoneted twice, or the time they stuck that live leach up my ass".
-I should add that the leach thing is something I made up, unlike the other 2.
-I couldn't care less who there is a picture of hanging in one of the Obama campaign offices.
-Did you ever notice how every Democratic nominee is vilified as probably being the "anti-christ" except John Kerry? I heard Glenn Beck mention this and I was like "yeah, Kerry should be very offended". He should be like "do they think I'm too boring to be the six-hundred three-score and six?" Just not beastly enough I guess.
-We've got two alleged centrists likely to face off in November. One (McCain) votes with his party 87.3% of the time (according to a database maintained by the Washington Post) and another in Obama who votes with his party 96.5% of the time.
-Shouldn't a guy who's major theme is his ability to reach across party lines to find common ground and consensus on major issues be able to point to ONE time he's done so? (Don't give me "ethics reform" or "nuclear non-proliferation" either those were slam dunks.)
-According to an article I read this week, apparently it's "disguised racism" to suggest that a candidate with very little experience has, you know, very little experience.
-I've just finished reading the book Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky (my favorite writer) and while it's impossible to describe, he to some degree foresees the totalitarianism and blood-shed that would come to his motherland in the 20th century. Despite being written in the 1870's it kind of predicts how Marxist ideology would grow into a movement worse than the problems it was trying to fix. It was also very screwed up. There's "screwed up" and then there's "screwed up even for Dostoevsky". This was the latter. At the end it's like: "I hope you weren't too attached to any of the characters". I've read enough Russian novels to know better than to expect a happy ending, but I expected at least one protagonist to survive the book besides the narrator.
-I thought McCain's speech Tuesday night talking about Senator Obama and his "eloquent, but empty call for change" and going on to point out how liberal he is was pretty good. The way McCain needs to go is to stay on the issues and not try to get into a personality contest.
-Somebody else mentioned how fascinating the Obama story is. Which confused me because if you want fascinating life stories, Clinton and McCain's lives would both make for a far more interesting movie than one about Obama. Better special effects in the McCain story. More sex scenes in the Hillary story. The Obama movie would be one of those "guy goes to the hood and teaches the gangstas calculus" snoozers.
-I've been studying Senator Obama's proposals for what he would do as president along with his senate voting record. There is plenty of substance there. He has a ton of ideas. There are specifics every where. I'm torn now. I wish I could go back in time and ...........DONATE MONEY TO HILLARY CLINTON! Seriously, if my economic plan called for almost $2 Trillion in new taxes I don't think I'd be bringing it much on the stump either. I'd stick to the "hope" and "change" talk too. I'm sure I'll be bringing this up again constantly for the next nine months or so.
-I hope this isn't lost on the McCain people. Don't waste time talking about "experience" because if you look at the past several elections where the White House has changed hands, the less experienced candidates have had a decent record (Kennedy v. Nixon, Carter v. Ford, Clinton v. Bush, Junior Bush v. Gore to name a few). And don't waste time talking about 'Nam because War Veterans have lost the last 4 presidential elections. (yes, I consider Gore in this group because, while he wasn't strangling people with piano wire or locked in a Hanoi-pit-of-Hell, he was in-country with the military during the war.) So with this in mind I was very happy to hear a McCain advisor say last week about Obama: (paraphrasing) "He was just named the most liberal member of the Senate for 2007. I don't think most of these moderates and conservatives coming out for him know that... but they will."


Bob W said...

Really enjoyed this posted. The part about plowing the obama chicks that pass out is priceless, wanna really piss them off after the "giggity giggity" tell them you have a job, own a gun, are pro-life, and that your dad has never paid for your college, nothing pisses liberal chicks off more then self sufficency.
Also liked the point you made about Darfur, awareness by it's self never saved anyone!
I do find it Ironic that Obama is considered a centrist, ok heres a little reality, anyone who votes with his party over 95% of the time is not a centrist, if he were a Republican that would be the first thing the media would say in every story.
I am starting to think that Obama is really in for it, the McCain people are good, the candidate is likeable and most importantly he is respected and very hard to paint as an extremeist, I think Obama may be in for a rather sound thumping! Great post buddy.

Steve said...

I still kind of expect Obama to win, but if you look at the poll numbers that have him up 4 to 7 points with 9 months to go, that's not insurmountable historically speaking. Another thing I forgot to mention is media bias against Hillary in favor of Obama. If you look at the pictures, every time they show one of Obama he looks cool and is surrounded by enthusiastic supporters. Every picture of Hillary is an extreme close-up when she's in the middle of speaking; mouth wide open, one eye closed so she looks like a maniac. McCain will be in for the same thing.

Bob W said...

I actually don't see Obama winning, if you recall there was poll after poll this far out in several past elections that put the eventual loser up by anywhere from 5-12 points.
I also think that as McCain continues to talk foreign policy, experience and as he paints Obama as a liberal and inexperienced I think this election is his to lose. Especally since McCain does better then any other Republican with independants anywhere from 20-24% depending on the poll.
Not to mention the 5-10 percent of democrats hes gonna get and the Nader factor in states like Washington and California. But we shall see.

Friar Tuck said...

The interesting thing about the Kosovar/Albanian situation is it is one place where Muslims really kind of like us. The main drag to the capital building in Kosovo is named after bill clinton for example.