Thursday, February 14, 2008

Huckabee runs amuckabee

According to the current delegate counts I saw today in an e-mail from the McCain campaign (which doesn't take today's Romney stuff into account), John McCain needs 35% of the remaining delegates to wrap up the nomination. Mike Huckabee would have to win 123% of the remaining delegates. That means it's past time to call it quits Mike. I realize Huckabee's base is southern evangelicals, who probably can't call science (and by extension math) their strongest subject and are inclined to believe in miracles, but it's time to pull the plug. It has been fun, what with the jokes about flag-pole sodomy and getting to see Chuck Norris make an ass out of himself someplace other than an info-mercial or Mountain Dew commercial, but for the love of God let it go already.


Bob W said...

I could not agree more, although I would not make the stupid assurtion about Huckabees supporters, although I know it was a joke and it made me chuckle ( to your liberal friend who posted that the libs have more fun, "See we can take a joke, I laughed knowing steve was kidding Im not gonna try to get his blog banned as a liberal would do if they were offended by his joke lol"
I think Mike needs to sit down and ask himself what is in the best interest of his nation and his party. He is a very likable guy, witty and funny, and much more electable then many in the media say, however staying in at this point robs McCain of valuable time to capitalize on the disunity in the Democratic Party, to Unite the GOP and have seven or so weeks to campaign for the general election while Barack and Hillary duke it out!
Hopefully with Romneys endorsement of McCain Huckabee will see the writing on the wall and bow out. Hell, call McCain ask for a prime time speaking slot ( a speech on poverty or conservative populism would play well with independants and his conservative cred would help sure up the Conservative base)give your delegates to McCain and rally round the winner. Great post.

Friar Tuck said...

I disagree. I enjoy him hanging around, and it keeps McCain working for votes which will make him a better candidate.

Besides, I like Huckabee.

Steve said...

Bob, you should have demanded that I apologize to my fellow evangelical Christians. lol

Clint, I see your point here too. Huckabee sort of plays the "Washington Generals" role which helps McCain in a way, but I'm not sure how it helps Huckabee at this point who I don't think is veep material or anything.

Friar Tuck said...

He gets on the speaking/talk show circuit. Which will be good for him since he is the poorest of all the presidential candidates.

This weekend he is speaking in the Cayman Islands.