Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back off Obama already!

Back off Obama already!
I must say I am sick of hearing people ask Senator Obama about the specifics of his plans, or to question him about his position of Foreign policy, or to actually have the nerve to bring up his supposed "lack" of experience. Hello he's in the Senate and has been since January of 2005 that's over 37 months! Let me be crystal clear on his people. President-elect ( cmon its a formality ) Obama is intelligent, charismatic, and my word what a speaker. He makes us feel good, he uses the words "Hope, Feel, and Believe" regularly and that is what matters. He gives me the tingles, that's is after all what I am looking for in a President.However for those that are still skeptical let me make this point. Oh the area of experience, hello Obama works with Republicans 3.5 % of the time and on issues that have broad bipartisan support and are not continuous! He also is willing to work with Republicans and be bipartisan when they agree with him. After all, what it will take is for Obama to talk to them, smile at them, make them feel warm and fuzzy and they will vote for the over 2 trillion in spending, a rolling back of tax cuts for the rich ( who deserve after all to be taxes, hello their rich which means they did something bad to get that way!) they will vote to provide health care for all Americans by putting the control of health care where it rightfully should be in the hands of the Government. Now all this will only be necessary if the American people fail to elect along with President Obama at least 60 Democratic senators, which will of course happen because that's what he wants and we don't say no to our Glorious President-elect. Second he will have plenty of time to learn the ropes as President, hello he makes people feel good.Also on Foreign policy, this idea that he is naive or dangerous is silly and I think Racist. Hello he will meet with America's enemies, talk with them, appear in photo's with them, understand their concerns. This I know will have the effect of disarming North Korea, and opening up their society. Iran will come to the table and after the warm and fuzzies start it will not be long before they recognize Israel, allow free elections and religious freedom, and open up to the west. After all the main reason for these nations opposing America was George Bush and he will be gone. President Elect Obama will express to them that he understands that there opposition to us did not stem from an ideology but from the fact that Bush was a warmongering idiot that didn't make them feel comfortable. I believe that within months of the inauguration we will see a wave of peace break out all over the world as people feel good and wrap themselves in this mans lovely words. As for Iraq, we will begin pulling out in 90 days, again President Obama will meet not with the current government as they are corrupt ( they were supported by President Bush after all) but with the misunderstood insurgents, after apologizing for the election of Bush and after making them feel good about themselves with the use of words like hope, believe, and feel, they will throw down there arms and Iraq will become a bastion of peace. This idea that experience in government and foreign policy is necessary is silly and racist.Also lets talk about President-elect Obama's so called opponent ( the voting at this point is a formality that must be observed). First he is not a baby boomer, anyone over say 47 years old is obviously too old to be President. Second this is a man who had to get elected to the House of Representative and reelected before getting elected to the Senate, obviously not eloquent enough to be an effective President. Second he has served in the Military, over 22 years this was time he could have been attending lectures at Harvard and supporting Barack Obama and he WASN'T! This is a man who understand war, that means he actually thinks war might be necessary when we all know that simply talking to ones enemies and making them feel good will keep the peace. Second this man works with the other party almost 15% of the time. That means he actually gives in and is not a good enough speaker to convince them to do what he wants. He also has at times been willing to risk the nomination of his party to support unpopular causes, again making people feel good and talking smoothly is all it takes. This man has too much experience, he has almost 30 years and 22 years experience in the military it is time for a new generation that can be eloquent and talk in generalities, in broad strokes, with almost a religious zeal and little substance that my friends is what America needs. The choice is clear in November, ( although cmon we all know its in the bag) a man who has served his nation his entire adult life, who sacrificed for his country his freedom, comfort and blood, a man who has worked across party lines to get things done, who transcends party, and has a moderate voting record, another words a hack. Or a man who speaks with words that make you float on air, painting a mural of words in bold colors,not to be bothered with filling in the lines, someone who uses the power words, "Hope, feel, believe" someone who votes with his party 96.5 percent of the time ( as he should ) someone who believes that if you can simply put him in a room with America's enemies ( created by George Bush of course) then he can charm them into liking us. A man who has 37 months experience on the world stage, before that working as a legislator in Illinois and as an organizer in Chicago. That is our choice, what do we answer "YES WE CAN" after all we have never been burnt by a candidate long on Charisma and short on actual experience before have we? So stop all the prattling about specifics, and qualifications, sit back, put on some Obama speeches and let the politics wash you a way to the world that we would wish for rather then the one that actually exists. Yeah man! Obama '08


Bob W said...

Who ever wrote this is a freaking comic genius! Lol thanks for posting it buddy, I decide to write it because the idea made me laugh. Let me know what you think.

Steve said...

lol, It was funny but I fainted half-way through. Oh well, I'm just doing some finishing touches lubricating and sharpening the blades on the "attack machine".