Saturday, March 15, 2008

quick hits 7: RIDIN' DIRTY!

Good Lord, what a week it has been for interesting news items.
-The Jeremiah Wright videos have really made my week. I have several observations about this, but first I'd like to give my first impression and the thing that really stuck out to me about these videos. (and you have to see the videos, transcripts or audio clips don't do the guy any justice) Can this guy PREACH or what!?! Damn, talk about bringing the fire! I'll guarantee you nobody fell asleep during those sermons. My favorite in terms of crowd reaction was the "Hillary Clinton ain't never been called a nigger" sermon. Half the audience is standing up, yelling. Two guys run up and high-five each other behind him while he's preaching. A woman in red appears to be giving the old sieg heil salute. I've probably watched it 15-20 times over the last 3 days. I've heard a lot of commentators ask people: "would you go to a church like that?" My answer is unequivocally YES! I'd be there every week sitting in the front row with popcorn and a soda thinking "I can't wait to hear what he says next".
-My favorite line out of all of it is when he says: "He did us just like he did Monica Lewinsky! HE WAS RIDIN' DIRTY!!!" I was rolling on the floor laughing. The thought of Bill with contraband in his vehicle puts a smile on my face, I guess.
-You know, a lot of the stuff the guy said was true.
-I think he could have at least waited until the bodies were cold before talking about how America deserved 9/11. He may have had a valid point, (I don't think he did,when talking about what nations "deserve" you are trying to speak on behalf of the Almighty which I don't think any of us is qualified to do. And I can guarantee you that when I stand before God on judgment day, I will not be asking Him to give me what I deserve. Justice is the last thing I want in that case.) but seriously 5 days after the attack was not the time.
-I couldn't care less what color Jesus' skin was.
-To correct an inaccuracy Wright committed: yeah, actually Barack Obama is rich and privileged.
-I'm trying to imagine the reaction at my church if the pastor said "shit" or "God damn". It's a pretty funny mental picture.
-Did you catch the part at the end of the sermon where government agents storm the building, shoot several congregants, drag Rev. Wright off to prison and burn the church building down?
You're saying "Steve, that never happened". Yeah, and do you know why it didn't happen? Because Reverend Wright is fortunate enough to live here in the good ol' "U.S. of KKKA" where he has the freedom to get behind the pulpit and criticize the government or say any dumb thing he wants without fear of persecution. Just thought I'd throw in a little perspective there.
- I heard Jack Kemp talking about this situation and he echoed my thoughts exactly. I don't want Obama to lose the election because of what people around him are saying or anything stupid like that. I want to see him lose the election on the issues, fair and square. At this point, though, I'm increasingly suspected that he's a good man who happens to be surrounded by whack-jobs. I guess now we're going to see how strong that Kool-Aid really is.
-This is not a joke. I swear this is true. I checked a copy of Senator Obama's book The Audacity of Hope out from the library yesterday. I got about 30 pages in and noticed 2 pages stuck together. True Story.
-The producers of Nightline, in their infinite wisdom decided that the night the Eliot Spitzer story broke we viewers needed to hear Heidi Fleiss' opinion on the situation. I was relieved because all day I'd been thinking "man, I need to get an ignorant whore's perspective on this story". Way to go, Nightline!
-Word to the wise; if you're a public official who likes him the whores follow Sam Kinison's advice. Make sure it's some Cambodian girl fresh off the boat who speaks no English and couldn't pick you out of a police line-up even if it was you standing between 2 midgets wearing hats. And just because you're in a different city doesn't mean you're less likely to get caught.
-If you need to throw up, check out the latest issue of Rolling Stone, their puff piece on Obama was what prompted me to write that "dentist" post. Apparently his middle name is the key thing that will get the Arabs to like us. I guess their problem wasn't our support for Israel or troops in Muslim holy lands (both of which President Obama would continue), no, it's all about names. I mean, it's not like people with Arabic names are killing each other every day in that part of the world.
-I'm trying not to let this become strictly an anti-Obama blog. I like the guy, I really do. But this stuff just seems to be what holds my interest. I'm also trying to come up with some non-political stuff to keep from getting burned out.
-I read a good article by James Carville this week about how thin every one's skin on the left has gotten. Quit calling for peoples' resignations every time they say something mildly hurtful to you already. So what if you got compared to Kenneth Starr or called a "monster"? Grow up already.
-I don't have a problem with the fact that Samantha Power called Hillary a monster. I have a problem with the fact that Samantha Power was a Senior National Security Advisor in the first place. Let's see, a 37 year-old who did some reporting from the Balkans, wrote a couple of books, and tries to be "edgy" in interviews to show how cool she is. Sounds qualified to me. This is one reason I'd rather have Hillary as president than Obama. I'll take my chances with "Straddlin' Madeleine (sp?) Albright and Wesley Clark over Samantha Power and Tony Lake (who Clinton fired for being too dovish and who resigned during the Nixon admin. because Nixon had the gall to bomb North Vietnam while fighting a war against North Vietnam). Yes, I know the Clintons are corrupt as hell. I know there will be scandals that embarrass the nation. But at least I'd feel like she had adults to rely on for foreign policy advice. Not only that, I can guarantee that no foreign leader would go into a meeting with Hillary and think "now here's somebody I can steam-roll". I pity them if they do. This may seem odd given previous statements I've made, but there's a difference between being a better person and being a better president. Jimmy Carter, for example, is a great human being.
-Seat the delegates!
-SNL had a pretty funny McCain sketch last night. It was an NBC "breaking news" piece where they issued the shocking revelation that John McCain is officially.....OLD. It was hilarious. Their evidence was security camera footage of him going into Bob Evans for 4:30 in the afternoon! Darrel Hammond does a great impression too.
-If Hillary comes back, it'll be thanks to SNL.
-I read this week that the "Bible Code" says Clinton will get elected....maybe. Maybe? You know there's a long list of words I can't imagine God using. "Maybe" is at the top of that list, right ahead of "fo'shizzle".
-I bought this memory foam mattress pad this week and I'm expecting big things from it. Well, maybe not big things but it'd be nice not to wake up with bruises from a mattress spring digging into my hip.
-I heard on the radio that they were sweeping the congressional chambers to make sure there were no bugs planted to spy on congress debating the surveillance bill. Yeah, cause I'd hate to have anyone eavesdropping on congress while they debate about eavesdropping on us.
-Lastly, remember every time you see a picture of a hippie you're looking at one family's tragedy.


Bob W said...

I really liked this one it made me laugh alot. I also agree with much of it. Although I think you failed to comment on the hypocracy of the media and the left. For weeks they have been ignoring this story because of there thraw for Obama. They only cover it now because it has gotten out to the point were they have too or they lose all credibility. I also think that they are looking for any reason to get this story off the pages and new channels so they can go back to pushing Obama. I also think that if Obama were a conservative and someone close to him said racist anti-america things like Reverand Wright you would have a media storm! You would have people like Jesse Jackson and Bookman form Goodtimes (Sharpton)calling his a racist and questioning his judgement. If it were a McCain supporter this would be the biggest story ever! Although you are right he does give one hell of a racist, anti-american sermon and it would be entertaining to watch. I think this idea that Obama can simply say "I never hear him say that" and be serious about it is abserd. This man was his pastor for 20 years. Part of his major campaigns and his life. What happened is is this guy got caught on film and now Obama who is not used to being asked any touch questions is simply reeling. I expected his response to reporters questions to be !
"Wait Im Barack Obama I don't answer touch questions. HOPE BELIEVE FEEL GOOD YES WE CAN thank you thats all i have to say about that!" all in all a good post.

Bob W said...

tough not tocuh questions I know i spelled it wrong. Oh and I think Obama is damned lucky that no one got any video of him sitting in the front row of the church during one of Revereand Wrights sermons, cause if that serfaces I think its a whole new ball game. I also agree about the KOOL- AID at what point is logic and reason going to take over?

Nick Northrop said...

I Just don't think the media is as liberal as everyone on the right claims it to be. PBS has some great programs I feel are fairly moderate like News Hour & Frontline.

Nick Northrop said...

And to tell you the truth I just don't care who gets elected because all three candidates are saying similar things. Their speak can not be used to antispate how they will govern. Remember George W and how he sucked us all in. We thought he was going to be this great conservitive leader and he has done more harm to this country than any terrorist by erroding the constitution and take exceutive privlage to the extreme. The laws and princaples of the constitution is what makes us who we are without which we are no differance than any other two bit nation. Modern Russia would be a great example of what happens when separtation of power becomes unbalanced this leads to facism.

Nick Northrop said...

My most pressing issue is a stable economy and meaningful employment for Americans. This is perhaps a greater issue than all others and who is to blame for the causes of this resession. Outsourcing, Morgage problems, A free falling Dollar & Deficit spending- conservitives! The very legislators who were suppost to be the responible ones. But unrestricted deregulation has lead companys to look over seas. The Bank examiors where done away with by conservitives. And guess who spends the most starting with your beloved Ronald Reagon Deficit Spending will see the end to my country as I struggle to Learn the language of our new Chinise masters. My point is I just don't see any of these 3 candidates making any meaningful CHANGE at least in time to stave off deseaster

Friar Tuck said...

I disagree with Bob. I have never heard of someone having the media hound them because of who their pastor is and what their pastor has said.It is only because Obama is black that he endures such a high level of scrutiny on odd things, and little scrutiny of things like his voting record

Bob W said...

Ok lets be honest here until this story broke Obama got a virtual pass form the media who has all but anointed him as the next President. There coverage has seemed forced and it seems obvious that they want to get this off the page so they can go back to the fluff pieces on the guy.
The simple fact is many of this mans supporters can't tell you a single thing he stands for just how he makes them "feel" and the press has not asked him the same tough questions they have asked the other candidates. This idea that if this were McCains priest or Romneys or Huckabees that this wont be the biggest story in the world is just abserd, it would and you would have people howling at how this proved the GOP and the candidate was racist. Cmon the man has gotta a pass. Its time for the media to stop drinking the Kool-aid and start covering this guy the right way, they owe that to America!

Friar Tuck said...

McCain has gotten as much of a pass as anyone.

Why does nobody in the media bring up his adultery in a previous marriage?

Why do we not hear much about his complicity in the S and L scandal with his relationship with the Keating 5?