Monday, January 28, 2008

The State of the Union: Undressed

I'm writing this as I watch the address. Hopefully it will prove entertaining.
-I start off with Katie Curic talking as the Senators mill around glad-handing and bragging about how drunk they got in Davos over the weekend.
-Still waiting for ol' number 29 to show up. No sign of him yet.
-Uncle Teddy's looking tan. Must have just got back from the compound: Where the beer runs like water, and the women run like hell!
-"I got your stimulus package right here!"- Ted Kennedy.
-He finally enters to a response that can best be described as "polite".
-I hope there's another moment like that subway hero last year. Blowing kisses to the crowd, giving Laura Bush a full-body waste-to-waste hug. It was awesome.
-We're up to minute number 29 of Bush entering the room. There should be pyrotechnics like on pro wrestling when they enter the arena.
-The Bush daughters are looking fine tonight.
-Nancy Pelosi's hair is working tonight.
-Dick Cheney is, well, Dick Cheney.
-The interior secretary is not here.............just in case.
-Now he's talking.
-Harry Reid did NOT get drunk in Davos.
-Talks about respecting one's opponents in a campaign.
-John McCain just threw up when he heard that. Remember 2000?
-"Trust people with their own money." -especially rich people.
-He's trying to convince us that "it isn't that bad".
-note: "it's worse"
-No poor people free loading on the "stimulus package"
-Do it now. Right the hell now.
-Don't let my tax cuts expire. They're the only thing I can claim as a domestic accomplishment.
-"Make the tax cuts permanent". The right half applauds.
-Sit down Condi.
-"I'm fiscally responsible now! I really am!"
-note: bullshit.
-"I'm against earmarks now!" No you're not. just shut up already. Anyone standing and applauding is a liar.
-"I'm gonna veto your ass".
-Reform Fannie May and Freddie Mac and get me a Baby Ruth!
-Better health care. Hillary's like "yeah right. you bastard!"
-Barrack's looking at him like "get this guy off the stage"
-Pelosi is trying to hide behind him so she can't be seen laughing.
-Dick Cheney looks like he's got somewhere better to be, like a torture session or something.
-Touts the wildly unpopular-from-both-sides No Child Left Behind. No standing O on this one.
-Kennedy looks embarrassed that he wrote that law. He's sitting next to his new best friend Barack.
-I'll bet Hillary is pissed at all the Kennedys right about now.
-"liberate more children in public schools." Yeah, I've seen how you liberate people pal.
-The sec. of commerce kind of looks like Ricardo Montoban, only not handsome.
-A brief 2-person standing O occurs after the "free trade" section. They sat down quick when they noticed no one was joining in.
-He's looking tired these days. He needs to take more time off.
-I think Nancy might be texting! "ya hez a jakass." "y wasnt i invited?"
-Cheney looked bored as hell till Bush mentioned the oil companies. That perked him up!
-He's talking stem cells. I'd better not see the supremes do any cheering.
-"The constitution means what it says." ROFLMAO! Now that's irony.
-"We honor the strength and resilience of the people of the gulf coast who've rebuilt their lives with no help from my administration."
-More about cutting spending. 'cause there's an area where he has credibility!
-He touches the third rail but lets go quickly.
-Is the flag behind him supposed to be that wrinkly?
-past 7 years = stirring moments in the history of liberty. Why don't we wait for it to become history before revising it?
-Pushes the 9/11 button HARD.
-Now Cheney stands. some boos mixed in. Cheney is probably rock hard right now.
-More crap about "spreading the hope of freedom" one bomb at a time.
-Talks up the mini-surge in Afghanistan. No joke here. That's long overdue.
-The Iraq surge is great! why is it ending? oh yeah, not enough troops to keep it up.
-Nancy is reading a book! I knew it. Hope it's more entertaining than this speech. He has had better nights, speech-wise.
-"The surge is having results few of us could have imagined one year ago". Casualties have been reduced to the levels of two years ago!
-"I have told 935 lies to date about the situation in Iraq!"
-Everyone we kill over there is an al quaida now. Do they interview the bodies? According to the naval war college between 2 and 5% of the insurgency is al quaida affiliated, but to hear Bush tell it you'd think it was all of them.
-We're stopping the surge because it worked so well. When you have an advantage in war the key is NOT to exploit it.
-BOB F'N DOLE in the hayouse!
-What the hell does "return on success" mean? That sounds like some doublespeak B.S. my company would come up with, naming a program to decrease my benefits.
-Don't leave Iraq until every drop of "freedom" has been pumped out of the ground.
-NSA Stephen Hadley knows what he can go do with himself as far as I'm concerned.
-I mean that.
-Our strategy in Iraq can be summed up in one word: hope. Hope like hell.
-Michael Chertoff looks like some kind of blood-sucking ghoul from hell.
-He's talking trash about Iran.
-He now directly contradicts the latest NIE in saying Iran has a nukes program. I repeat this is a direct contradiction of what his own intelligence agencies say. (16 of them)
-Now he talks up his illegal,unconstitutional program to spy on american citizens. "Give me the tools to protect america"
-"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"- Benjamin Franklin.
-He's talking up the "Protect America" act. George Orwell is cackling maniacally in hell. What a name "Protect America".
-Protect the telecoms that have helped me break the law. NOW!
-An additional 30 billion to Africa. He was a fiscal conservative for all of 26 minutes.
-And it's finally over. Hopefully the next president is a better speaker.
-Now he's signing autographs. Hope he signs someone's boobs. He probably hasn't done that since his Yale days.

-Now for the democratic response.
-I wonder who it'll be. Who's going to come through the curtain?
-I can tell you who I hope it isn't.
-It's the governor of Kansas wow.
-She's got a fire going in her den.
-We're not as divided as our politics suggest......I am
-She says politics is bull-crap.
-She's boring me.
-Now she touts some democratic achievements...finally. Mention caving to the president on a weekly basis.
-Sign the SCHIP bill you evil bastard!
-Let's all just roll up our sleeves and get to work.
-So far this couldn't be less inspiring.
-or specific
-That looks like a gas fireplace behind her. I prefer real wood.
-I've had enough of her. They should have had Jim Webb do it again.


Friar Tuck said...

What the heck is the envelope he gives cheney and polosi?

Bob W said...

Wow, Now thats some real Hard Ball. I think you were a little hard on the guy. I think his intiatives in Africa are good.
I think the surge is working to spite the best efforts of the media and the democrats to make it now so. I also see that John McCain just won Florida. I also see how the pundits in the media are already starting to turn on him, to say he can't unite conservatives. What will unite conservatives is the thought of losing the White House and seats in congress. I think that the Democrats and there willing accomplaces in the media are starting to regret talking up McCain as they see him turning Barack or Hillary into his B*&^$ in the November election. It should be interesting to watch him take on the democrats. I hope he does a sweep against Romney on Super Tuesday. I see Rudy is out and likely to back Johnny Mac thats awesome. Let the games begin.

Bob W said...

The envelope he gave Cheney and Pelosi contains a copy of his speech. As both are the head of there respective house of congress he is required to "delever" a report on the state of the union to them so thats what the enevelope is.