Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The "Idiot" Wing of the Republican Party Hates John McCain.

I think the thing that makes me happiest about John McCain's victory in Florida yesterday is the way a lot of right-wing blowhards have further revealed their hypocrisy and complete separation from reality due to their hatred for the Senator. Rush Limbaugh has sobered up long enough to say that if McCain is the nominee he will "sit this one out". Tom Delay has said the same thing. Good, maybe that corrupt son of a bitch (in Dick Armey's words) can better use his time trying to keep his ass out of jail. Just this morning I heard one of them say that if McCain beats Romney to become the nominee, it will be the worst bloodbath the GOP has suffered since Goldwater in 1964. Apparently polls have a liberal bias because every poll I've seen shows the exact opposite. McCain is in a statistical tie with all Democrats, while Romney gets beaten by at least 12 points. There's a bigger turn-around here though. Do you remember in 2004 that these same talking heads were saying the most important issue was national security? We were told that "the fate of western civilization is at stake", "the war is the defining issue of our time", "this is world war 2 all over again". This faux-patriotism was what helped turn me from true-believer into dedicated skeptic. Perhaps it was best exemplified in the way these chicken-hawks wrapped themselves in the flag and questioned the patriotism of anyone who opposed their policies, even when involved trashing a guy like Max Cleland, who lost an arm and both legs serving his country, or John Murtha, or John Kerry (none of whom I agreed with at the time) who've actually shed blood for this nation. Because apparently real patriotism is measured more in party affiliation than in pints of blood. What a difference four years makes. Apparently pretending to be a fighter pilot and war hero matters more to this crowd than actually being one. Because right now there's only one candidate who gives me any reason at all to think he knows the first thing about national security, foreign policy, or how to run a war. But, according to the far-right, the party must rally around the candidate who is most likely to.....lower rich peoples' taxes! Deficits don't matter!(according to Dick Cheney) The fact that the last seven years have been an economic disaster for most of the country doesn't matter. We need more of the same! All that talk about national security was clearly a smoke-screen. The real priorities are painfully obvious at this point. Critical thinking and putting the country above the Republican party orthodoxy are an unpardonable sin to this crowd. It would be kind of interesting to see how this crowd would react if their "conventional wisdom" is followed. How would they spin the results on the air on November 5th, the day after the Democratic nominee beats Romney by ten points and the democrats take 7-8 seats away from the GOP in the Senate, and God knows how many in the House.


Bob W said...

I could not agree with you more. I haven't heard much of Hannity saying those things but thats too bad cause I really liked him. I know he was against the immigration bill but it was a bad bill.
However I could not agree more, right on. I will be sending you in the next few days a post on conservatives and McCain for your consideration and possible posting.

Friar Tuck said...

The conservative elite are against McCain because they cannot control him. The same reason he is getting a lot of grassroots support. Next thing you know they will try and create some scandal about him like Bush did in South Carolina last time.