Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Big Money on the Line.

Barack Obama scored a major coup this week with his endorsement from several members of the Kennedy dynasty. Endorsement is not the right word. This was an annointing. Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, and (perhaps most importantly) Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of the former president didn't just endorse him, they practically handed him the torch and declared him the next JFK. A lot of the RFK wing of the family has endorsed Hillary, but they don't tend to be nearly as high-profile. While Ted Kennedy's endorsement carries a lot of weight in certain segments of the left, and is nothing to sneeze at with regards to Democratic primaries, I think the endorsement of Caroline is a bigger deal over all. She's not as political of a figure and hasn't become a punch-line the way uncle Teddy has. I'm not sure this will be enough to put him over the top against the Clinton machine, but I hope so. I think Obama will be a much tougher challenge for McCain in November, but I'd like to see the strongest candidate from each party go at it.


Bob W said...

I agree that the endorsment helps him with winning the nomination. However other then in Massachusetts and certain parts of California an arm pit shot of Barack and Ted is the last think that his campaign wants smeared all over t.v adds, especially in places like Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, which will be the real battle ground states.
Also I don't really see him being that tough for McCain ( tougher then Hillary) remember that other then Charisma this man has NO EXPERIENCE, and that drum will be beat to death by McCain and Republicans. McCains line about "We can't afford a President who needs O.J.T {again}" will I think make a big mark. Also McCain can argue that other then Charisma and the ability to make a fine speech this man has yet to prove he can accomplish much of anything besides winning an election in Illinois and beating one of the most Hated women in American Politics, if hes the nominee I am predicting its a 53-47 win for McCain, at least I hope.

p.s. Hey Steve, how does my gave face look? Convincing ? lol

Steve said...

Obama has more legislative experience than Hillary, if you count the Illinois state legislature. I think this is one of the main myths driving the Hillary campaign. Another thing I've noticed lately is that left-wing talk radio is almost as anti-hillary as right-wing talk radio. I also kind of like the fact that Obama has been in Washington for all of 15 seconds. But I think McCain has a good shot against either one.

Friar Tuck said...

People are not as smart as Bob in a general election, and often do not vote on issues.

Obama has a chance because when they see him standing next to a much shorter, whiter, and more abrasive McCain, they will not be able to vote against Obama. Think of Kennedy-Nixon in 1960, where people who watched the debate on tv thought Kennedy won since he looked better.