Tuesday, January 15, 2008

While you were watching American Idol...

Here are my thoughts as I listen to the Nevada Democratic debate:

-We start off with a Kum bay ya moment as the candidates try to make nice and get past the recent racial tension. Meanwhile Republicans everywhere laugh. Edwards is happy he wasn't dragged into this mess. Barrack says it's all cool. Hillary wants it all to go away...BAD.
-Barrack apologizes to HIllary for calling her "likable". It's still a total love fest 24 minutes in.
-Edwards points out that he kills more lobbyists before 7 am than most candidates do all day. He will stand up to the big money interests.
-Hillary calls Bush pathetic for begging the Saudis for cheaper oil. Somehow I doubt cheap oil is on his radar over there.
-They then talk about their strengths and weaknesses. Edwards says he's a fighter. If I'm looking for the candidate I would take in a street fight, I'd take Rudy to be honest with you. (but only because McCain is so old and took all those beatings in 'Nam.)
-There is false information circulating on the internet about Obama. You're shitting me! False info on the internet? I feel so used right now. Next you're going to tell me that the illuminati aren't behind a conspiracy that has been running the world for the last few hundred years.
-Obama: "I trust the American people to sort out the truth". So would I if I'd been asleep for the last 7 years. Truth and Reason aren't exactly in vogue these days.
-All three say they don't want a continuation of the current hands-off approach to anything regulatory. Edwards reminds us he's the only liberal on the stage. Both Clinton and Edwards come out against predatory lending and the bankruptcy "reform" act that passed a few years back. All three will be knocked as anti-capitalist for this. But the most anti-capitalistic people around tend to be successful capitalists who don't want competition.
-Hillary wants a five-year freeze on interest rates. Interesting, but it sounds like something that could be a really bad or really good idea. I'd have to consult an economist.
-Now they get to ask each other questions! this better be good. Hopefully they won't suck.
-Edwards: "Why do these special interests give you so much money? Because they think you're nice?" no softball there. Obama: "yes, because they like me. And I don't take lobbyist money either." and calls for public financing of campaigns.
-Hilary: "Barack, will you co-sponsor my legislation to make Bush obey the constitution in regards to treaties?" LMAO, there's no one short of God himself that could make Bush obey the constitution, let alone a spineless congress. He simply doesn't think it applies to him in accordance with Cheney's Law. The legislation she is proposing already exists. It's called article 2, section 2, clause 2 of the United States Constitution. (It states that all treaties must be ratified by a 2/3 majority of the Senate.) Obama: "we'll work on it."
-I didn't catch Obama's question because I went outside to smoke a cigarette.
-All three would end the war in Iraq (or not). Only Edwards says he will take ALL combat troops out of Iraq. I like this better than the half-ass strategy. I would rather have either 0 troops or 250,000. The last thing I want is a force over there too small to adequately defend itself. If we're going to be an empire, BE AN EMPIRE. All or nothing. Go big or go home.
-Hillary is the only one really nailing Bush over and over. Smart move on her part. The other 2 should follow this example.
-All three say we're not taking good enough care of our veterans. It's a sad commentary on the "leadership" of Bush that this is even an issue. Absolutely disgusting.
-Edwards opposes more nuke plants. Obama: "if we can find a way to do nuclear energy cheaply and safely, I'd do it." Yeah, okay.
-Hillary wants to stop subsidies to oil and gas companies. I don't believe her for a second. She's the main "big money" candidate on that stage.
-Edwards smacks her down: "Hillary has raised more money from those companies than anyone else" Thank you, John. My thoughts exactly. He'd end the subsidies to. I believe him. I may have been wrong about this guy. Too bad the media has ruled him out and only wants to talk about the other two. So much for the idea of a "liberal media".
-All three now get out their 10-foot poles to touch the immigration issue with.
-Hillary says she's been working on family issues for 35 years. (Insert your own joke right here)
-Now for gun control: careful guys this is what cost you the congress in '94, according to Bill's memoirs. All 3 are careful to take moderate stances.
-Now for the "war on terror". This should be good.
-Hillary "we need to repair relationships. we can't win by going alone." Good point but I would have taken greater care to separate Iraq from the "war on terror".
-Obama: "we are less secure now than before Iraq. We should have used that money and manpower to secure this country" Good point. Something that the current administration is not doing very well AT ALL.
-Edwards sounds good talking about Pakistan.
-"When did you make the decision to run for president?" Hillary: "a year ago" Me: "LMAO How stupid do you think I am?" Edwards:"a year ago" Obama: "same answer" Okay so I don't really believe any of them. But that's okay, because it's not really an important question. And with that we wrap up.

-Overall thoughts: This was a much kinder, gentler debate than the last one, much to my disappointment. No one really stuck out to me as looking particularly strong, or weak. Fortunately I was probably the only one watching so I don't see this moving any one's poll numbers any.

1 comment:

Bob W said...

Interesting take on the debate, sorry I missed it. As for the veterans issue the DEMOCRATS have No credibility on his issue these are the people who have never seen a defense budget that they didn't think needed to be slashed. These same people in there Manhattan, Hollywood, GeorgeTown parties call military service "quaint" and think that anyone who enlists is just an ignorant rube who is only enlisting because he or she can't do anything else because America is such a horrible place.
There is a reason my friend that almost 80% of veterans and active military vote Republican. President Bush has made some mistakes I grant that but during his term funding for active and veterans has gone throught the roof, Walter Reed was a problem but these things happen.
I will start to believe the Democrats care about veterans and military people when they stop calling us Rapists, murders, and baby killer. But I like the blog post over all very insightful and witty.