Friday, January 25, 2008

Quick hits from this week......

These are random crazy notions that crept into my head this week.

-During Monday night's Democratic debate, I kept expecting the crowd to start chanting "JERRY! JERRY! JERRY" during the Clinton-Obama stuff. I had Edwards as the winner again, but almost by default this time.

-During the back and forth I was secretly praying to see Hillary get flustered, just completely lose it and drop an N-bomb before she even knew what happened. Admit it, that's a funny thought.

-Speaking of which, a group of right-wing misogynist hatchet men this week formed an anti-Hillary group called "Citizens United Not Timid". Get it? I'll bet that took weeks to come up with something that clever. I can only hope these bottom feeders will crawl back wherever they came. I'd hate to see what they name themselves if Obama gets the nomination.

-I think it would be way more historic to have a black president than a female president. If you don't believe me, just ask yourself: who has a rougher time in our society, white women or black men? If you look at life expectancy, average income, and most other metrics you'll see that this is a very easy question to answer.

-Speaking of acronyms, According to David Kuo's book the group "Empower America" formed by Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett was originally going to be called the "Lincoln Institute for American Renewal" nobody realized what the acronym would be for a while.

-On Tuesday I watched a Frontline special on kids and the internet. It was a pretty good look at how kids have become addicted to cell phones and social networking. The funny part to me was when these folks took their daughter to testify before congress about the dangers of sex-predators online. Word to the wise, if you want to keep your kids safe from sexual deviants Capitol Hill might be a good place to avoid (along with school, church, summer camps, or shopping malls).

-I heard someone ask someone else if they knew how Heath Ledger died. I wanted to interject: "Pretty much the same that kills any 28 year old celebrity."

-In an effort to be more user-friendly, Al Quaida has started an "ask Zawahiri" section on their web affiliates. It's the best way to stay up to date on your favorite jihadists. So far the most common question is from a guy with the screen-name "cowboyW43" who has posted the question "So, just between u and me, ware u guyz stayin these days?" like a thousand times.

-I'm seriously expecting to see college kids walking around wearing shirts that say "Ron Paul is My Homeboy" any day now. He's quickly becoming something of a folk-hero with a passionate following. I'm sure the person most surprised by this is Ron Paul himself. I personally think he's very good for the party in general.

-How come nobody's talking about the Senate? There are 34 seats up for grabs this year. 23 are currently in Republican control, 11 in democratic. I'd say 10 of the 11 Democrats are all but assured reelection. Of the Republicans, about half will be seriously contested. It wouldn't surprise me to see the dems gain 5 or 6 seats, regardless of what happens in the presidential race.

-Not to be outdone the GOP held a debate this week. My overall impression was that it will be an uphill fight to retain the White House in November. They'd better have Reverend Huckabee pray with all his might that this stimulus package works and that Iraq doesn't spin any further out of control between now and the election. There were some good moments though.

-When Romney said the line about "Bill Clinton roaming the White House with nothing to do" I forgot for a minute how much I dislike the guy. Then Russert pretends to be confused and says "what do you mean by that?" I wish Romney would have said "Dumb-ass, I mean Bill Clinton is a sex-fiend! He's a habitual line-crosser". I'd say Romney had a very good night overall. I'd still never vote for him,(unless it's him and Hillary) but for all the reasons I have not to like him, stupidity is NOT one of them.

-Stick a fork in Rudy, he's done.

-Russert didn't seem to think McCain had economics experience. McCain looked like he wanted to strangle him with his bare hands. McCain's like "Idiot, I've been on the commerce committee for 20 years, and chairman for 7!"

- Mike Huckabee had one of the most interesting proposals of the night. Rather than borrow money from China to mail people checks that they will spend on goods made in China, he proposed a massive infrastructure program. The idea is to spend the money on I-95. That way the money goes to American companies and provides jobs during the project, and afterwards you have something to show for it. Damn good idea. I remember a guy who did this very thing and it in part turned his nation from a broken dispirited nation into a superpower. The guy was Adolf Hitler and the country was Nazi Germany. Not exactly an example one would use as a selling point. All joking aside, I like this idea much better as a stimulus package. Better in the short term, much better long-term, just don't use the example I gave (maybe mention Eisenhower and the inter-state highway system here in the U.S., know.)


Bob W said...

I thought this post was quiet funny and I agree with much of what you said. I saw the line by Romney and it made me chuckle.
However I have heard in recent days that Romney may have takent he lead in polls in Florida, this scares me to no end. McCain can deal Romney a serious blow by winning Florida and can claim that Romney can only win in states where he either has virtually no compation or in states where he was born. A second close second place finish can keep McCain in it and he can hope for victories in states like New York, California and Illinois were the GOP voters are more favorable. However a Romney win would make the likely hood of a Romney nomination more likely and as a Republican and a person that believes we are engaged in the defining war of our time to end up with a President that sees the war on Terror as a "annoyance" is dangerious I believe my party must swallow hard and Give McCain the nod.
The Heath Ledger thing was a shame but not a surprise. Its to bad know one stepped up to help this young man. I often wonder with celebraties that die like that "where were there family and Real friends?" some one to tell them, "He buddy ( son, bro, whatever applys) you need to stop this or its gonna kill you!"
I recently read a comment about McCain on politico and some hate monger was accusing him of being a "traitor" for giving the VC info while a prisoner,and I thought "Hey buddy let me torture you everyday for five years and you would tell me where your grandmother hides her money if it would make the pain stop!"
McCain is a hero and these kinds of politics demean us all. I didnt agree with the stuff said about Kerry and I dont with it said about McCain.

Steve said...

I thought the same thing when I saw the people calling McCain a traitor. I was like "I'll bring the plyers and the blow-torch and we'll see how long you hold out."

reliv4life said...

I must admit most political discussions bore me to know end...but I found this extremely interesting, and funny, and insightful as well!