Friday, August 1, 2008

Vacation Musings.

I'm currently in the middle of a week-long vacation, visiting my family in Michigan. It's been fun so far. I will be posting plenty of pictures (probably after I get home since the dial up connection here makes uploading pictures a very slow process). Some thoughts so far:

-Six A.M. is not such a bad time for a flight (especially one jumping a few time zones ahead), provided it's from a small airport that you can get into relatively quickly.
-This was the first time in the history of me flying that I actually spent the better part of a flight talking to the woman sitting next to me. I'm usually next to the snorer, the person who is freaked out, or the large coughing guy.
-O'Hare is a pretty nice airport. Which is good, because I will have four hours to kill there when I fly home next Wednesday. I like the fact that you are never more than 100 feet from a Starbucks, the adequate placement of moving walkways, and the fact that it doesn't smell nasty, which brings me too...
-Is there a nastier airport anywhere than Detroit Metro? Usually when I arrive and the entire terminal smells like the inside of a french-fry vat and there are leaks in the ceiling and peeling paint, I know I'm home. (I usually know by the inordinate number of veiled women as well)
-I'd forgotten how crappy humidity can be. Colorado Springs at 90 degrees isn't so bad. Michigan at 90 degrees means I need to change my shirt every time I come in from outside. The air just feels thick. I did feel like it was easier to do extended walking though, probably because I've gotten used to not having any oxygen in the air.
-I visited my Alma Mater today, and it looks way different. Buildings going up everywhere and all of them look way more expensive than they need to be.
-I drove through a few areas I hung out in when I was in college and took some pictures. They look really different too. The shack I used to rent surprisingly seems to have some one living in it, meaning it must not have been condemned like I expected.
-I went down to the beach to take pictures. Those will be up before long.
-My folks cooked me a very large steak tonight that has to be seen.
-Someone on the radio said it was getting kind of dry here. I laughed at that since they have this weird green-colored grass here rather than the normal brownish-yellow I'm used to at home.
-Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to actually post some of the pics I took of sailboats, steaks, my dog, etc.


Friar Tuck said...

Ha! Detroit Metro is much better when you are flying Northwest instead of United. The Northwest terminal is very nice...the United terminal made me feel like I was at a Greyhound station.

Especially with the woman with the "Baby Mama" belly shirt that came down to her belly button even though she was inching up on 300 pounds.

Of course, all the moisture and vegetation there stirred up my allergies and made me "fat coughing man" on the way back. At least the first time I was there last summer.

Nick Northrop said...

Glad you had a good time.